best foodsRussian foods

Top 10 dishes of Russian cuisine, popular in the world

Russian cuisine is original, rich, with a fascinating history. And although it is not always open to foreigners completely and immediately, Russian cuisine has long and firmly won places on the menus and stomachs of gourmets around the world. Today we will talk about ten of the most famous Russian dishes according to our version.

Pancakes (preferably with caviar)

Of course, Russian pancakes, and even with caviar, are one of the hallmarks of our cuisine. Pancakes are found on the menus of leading restaurants in the world. In addition to caviar, fish, meat, sour cream or cottage cheese, as well as honey or jam are added as topping.

Fun fact: the word “pancake” comes from the Old Russian “mlin”, which has been known since the 14th century. The word “mlin” means “mill, millstone”, as well as “something round”, and goes back to the Late Latin molinum (also “mill”).

By the way, pancakes appeared in Russian cuisine no later than the 9th century. But their predecessors were flatbreads made from unleavened dough.

Cabbage soup

One foreign military commander, who is not our comrade at all and who received a noble salary in Russia, in his so-called memoirs superficially calls cabbage soup “cabbage soup.” However, what is surprising if the word “cabbage soup” itself is difficult for foreigners to pronounce, and when writing it, two letters turn into four at best. But nevertheless, even though the understanding of this Russian dish in the West has not developed, you cannot deny its popularity.

Cabbage soup was already mentioned in Domostroy of the 16th century (there they are called “shti”), but they began to be prepared in the 9th–11th centuries, when cabbage was brought to Rus’. Cabbage grew well and was stored well, so it became popular. Note that cabbage soup is very healthy, because cabbage and other vegetables contain a lot of fiber and vitamins.


It would seem that this is one of the most Russian dishes – but, of course, varieties of dumplings are prepared in different countries. Like, for example, the eastern lagman, pieces of minced meat or other filling, wrapped in dough and boiled (fried or steamed) have conquered huge areas in Europe and Asia.  The word “pelmeni” itself comes from the Komi-Permyak word “pentane”, which in turn means something like “dough ears”.

Classic dumplings include three types of minced meat, but in practice, of course, one or a mixture of beef and pork is usually used. In addition to them, onions and black pepper are added to the dumplings. And in the Urals they can even make dumplings with fish filling! In Siberia, dumplings are often made by the whole family, in large quantities at once and then frozen (and to be honest, not only in Siberia).

And not only those that specialize in national cuisine. It’s interesting that chefs in different countries are willingly or unwillingly rethinking the concept of borscht. Therefore, if you order borscht abroad, be prepared for new experiences. For example, in France they can put tiny potatoes in borscht without even peeling them (let alone cutting them into cubes). And in the countries of the Far East, seafood will be added to borscht (no, but what’s wrong, right?

Beef Stroganoff

One of the dishes that has firmly entered the menu of restaurants in different countries is the famous beef stroganoff (from the French Bœuf Stroganoff – “beef Stroganoff”), which is prepared from finely chopped pieces of beef with sauce. As the name suggests, the dish is named after Count Alexander Stroganov.

The most romantic version of its origin is that beef stroganoff owes its origin to the infidelity of the woman he loved. Allegedly, the count had a fiancee who somehow cheated on him. The count was terribly upset, but for some reason he could not challenge his opponent to a duel, so in anger he cut up with a blade what came to hand – and it turned out to be a piece of beef tenderloin on the kitchen table.

When the count’s anger subsided slightly, it turned out that the tenderloin was no longer suitable for steaks, because it was chopped into small strips. But the count was expecting a reception – something urgently needed to be prepared! The count’s cook was not at a loss and invented beef stroganoff.

Olivier salad

Surely everyone knows: Olivier is not exactly the Olivier that Lucien Olivier invented (more than the word “Olivier” for the Olivier god!). More precisely, not even the same one at all. And abroad the salad is generally called “Russian salad”. And by the way, it is still served even at official receptions. Not to mention the menu of the most varied levels of restaurants. As in the case of borscht, Western chefs have rethought Olivier: someone puts fish there, someone removes mayonnaise, etc.

But the recipe for the original salad, which was invented by the chef of the Moscow Hermitage restaurant Lucien Olivier in the 1860s, was kept secret by its creator. However, according to one version, it included black caviar, hazel grouse, veal tongue, crayfish and gherkins. Live with it now.


Try to pronounce Sbornaya solyanka with an English accent – feel like Bond, James Bond on a mission. Oddly enough, although foreigners know cabbage soup, they don’t really understand it, but for some reason, hodgepodge more often finds its way to their heart and stomach. Perhaps because of its sharp, rich taste and dense “body”. Interestingly, in the West they even sell ready-made culinary kits for making solyanka, and it is most popular in East Germany – according to one version, this is a consequence of the presence of the Western Group of Forces there during Soviet times.

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