best foodschicken soup

Uzbek chicken soup Tovuk Shurpa

How to cook Uzbek chicken soup Tovuk Shurpa recipe from Olga Kim. The peel comes off very easily. And two bay leaves. Friends, I got such a delicious Uzbek tovuk shurpa. Today I will tell you how to prepare a masterpiece of Uzbek cuisine from ordinary chicken broth using simple ingredients.

Stay with me and I’ll tell you in detail how to prepare it. We begin! So, friends, to prepare the national Uzbek soup tovuk shurpa, we will need, of course, tovuk. Tovuk, translated from Uzbek, means chicken. Here I have chicken for 800 kilos. We also need 250 grams of long grain rice, 350 grams of tomatoes in their own juice, 2 onions, 2 bay leaves, a huge amount of herbs. Here I have a bunch of onions, half a bunch of parsley, a bunch of dill and a bunch of cilantro.  I will take spices: one teaspoon of paprika, 1 teaspoon of barberry, salt to taste.

I cut the onion into pieces like tangerine slices. I cut the onion while I put it aside. We need to cook the chicken. The chicken here in the back has a gland that I definitely cut off like this. I take a saucepan into which I pour three and a half liters of filtered water.

I place the chicken here and throw pre-cut onions on top, and then set the pan with the soup on gas. I set it to maximum heat for now and after it boils I will reduce the heat. So my soup has boiled, I reduce the gas to medium, cover the lid and cook the chicken until done for about forty minutes. I set the gas to three. While I’m cooking the soup, I’ll prepare the rest of the ingredients. First I need to peel the tomatoes.

I peel them, like this, the tomatoes are in their own juice, the peel comes off very easily. I peeled the tomatoes, now they need to be cut. I cut small tomatoes in half, larger tomatoes into quarters. Like this. I chopped the tomatoes while putting them aside. Next is the greenery.

First I chop the parsley. I chopped the parsley, put all the remaining greens on a plate – cilantro, dill and onions – I cut them all together. I also cut the greens, put them in a cup and mix the greens a little. We will sprinkle a ready-made dish with this mix of greens. The chicken is ready, you can turn off the gas.

I take the chicken out onto a plate. When it cools down a little, I will divide it into portions. Like this. Look how yellow and rich the good chicken broth is. Then I pour the broth into another pan, in my case it’s a cauldron. I placed a sieve on top of the cauldron to strain the broth. The broth boiled, I send tomatoes here, spices are one teaspoon of paprika, 1 teaspoon of barberry and I put one tablespoon of salt. You add rice to taste, as well as rice that has been well washed under cold water.

I stir lightly. I’ll wait until the soup boils again and cover it with a lid. The soup has boiled, I close the lid and reduce the gas, again to three. That’s it, from now on I time exactly 20 minutes. 15 minutes have passed and 5 minutes before readiness, we throw in parsley and two leaves of bay leaf. Five minutes have passed – the soup is ready. I turn off the gas and let the soup brew for literally another ten minutes, then it will be possible to serve it to the table. Friends, I got such a delicious Uzbek tovuk shurpa. Looks very tasty.

To get the perfect broth, you need to take a soup set, which consists of a skeleton, paws and other parts. From a whole chicken or breasts, a red, rich, hearty broth will not work. Rinse the soup set, dry it and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. The bones should be scorched. It is due to this that the broth will receive a characteristic shade.  It is important to take water not from the tap, but filtered. Cut the onion in half (do not peel), put in a dry frying pan and fry on both sides. Place the onion in the water. Put to cook on a slow fire. Add salt at the very end. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Discard the onion.

In the preparation of the broth, the two main ingredients are water and chicken. And if with the first everything is more or less clear (you need to take filtered high-quality water), then problems begin with chicken. Housewives often believe that it is best to take a whole chicken – this guarantees a rich broth. This is wrong. Ordinary chicken boils quickly, the broth turns out to be an incomprehensible color.

An ideal option for broth is a soup set with chicken legs. This one contains a lot of collagen, the broth is strong, rich, and the chicken meat does not fall off the bone during cooking.

If you keep the soup set in the oven before cooking, the broth will turn out red, as if it was cooked over a fire. In the culinary arts, this is considered the best in taste and health.

If you want to add flavor to the broth, you can add vegetables during cooking. The perfect set is leeks and celery.

Another common mistake of housewives is to remove the foam during the preparation of the broth. It’s better not to do this. The broth will turn out clear if at the end you strain it through cheesecloth or through a sieve with a towel.

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