summer vegetable

Healthy eating – 7 vegetables to add to your diet this summer

In order to be healthy, energetic and feel good, you need to follow the rules of a healthy diet, in particular, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables contain many vitamins, microelements, fiber and other useful substances.

Read also: Healthy Eating – 10 Ideas to Improve Your Eating Habits Now

In this article, we bring you 7 simple, affordable and healthy vegetables to add to your diet this summer.


Spring and summer are the time when fresh cucumbers from the garden are available and when you can cook delicious and healthy dishes with fresh cucumbers: cold soups, smoothies, salads. Cucumbers are very low in calories (15 calories per 100 grams of vegetable), while they are high in fiber, potassium, and other nutrients.

Cucumbers are widely used in cooking – dishes with cucumbers are not only healthy, but also very tasty. This summer, we invite you to cook summer cold soup with cucumbers and green onions on ayran, smoothies with cucumbers and avocado pulp on yogurt, salad with cucumbers and tomatoes with sour cream and Greek tzatziki sauce (prepared from cucumber, garlic and yogurt without additives).


One of the first spring-summer vegetables is a young radish. In addition, radishes are just a storehouse of useful substances: vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin PP, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.
With radishes, as well as with fresh cucumbers.

you get a very tasty summer salad – it can be seasoned with sour cream or Turkish yogurt. Radishes can be added to Okroshka – so this delicious dish will become even tastier. You can make a delicious vegetarian sandwich with radishes: spread a piece of bread with Turkish yogurt, put pieces of vegetables, including radishes, on top, decorate with herbs – and the sandwich is ready.


The tomato is a tasty, healthy and low calorie vegetable (20 calories per 100 grams). Tomatoes contain many useful substances, including B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and organic acids.

With tomatoes, you can cook delicious creamy soups: cold tomato soup with sour cream, tomato soup with classic yogurt or tomato soup with milk. With tomatoes, you can cook delicious salads: salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with sour cream or yogurt; salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh mozzarella; Italian Capers salad. If you need a quick snack, you can make a nutritious smoothie with kefir or yogurt with tomatoes.

White and red cabbage

Both white and red cabbage are low-calorie vegetables that are high in fiber, vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients.
With both white and red cabbage, you can cook many delicious salads: for example, a salad with cabbage, carrots, apples and yogurt without additives; salad with red cabbage and mozzarella. In addition, you can always cook stewed cabbage with sour cream or butter – such a dish will saturate well and will not harm the figure.

Chinese cabbage

No less useful is Chinese cabbage. There are very few calories in Beijing cabbage – 12 calories per 100 grams, while there are a lot of vitamins and other useful substances (vitamins C and A, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, amino acids).

With Chinese cabbage, you can cook many delicious dishes. Salad with Beijing cabbage and apple; salad with Beijing cabbage, chicken and processed cheese; Chinese cabbage, tomato and mozzarella salad – these are just a few ideas for a delicious Chinese cabbage salad. In addition, Beijing cabbage, like ordinary white cabbage, can be stewed in sour cream – tasty and healthy.


Zucchini contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and iron, as well as water, which is well absorbed by the body. Zucchini is useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, blood vessels and liver, as well as for skin condition.
You can cook many delicious dishes with zucchini: for example, kefir soup with zucchini and cucumbers, stuffed zucchini with mozzarella, zucchini quiche, hearty soup with zucchini and potatoes in milk, squash soup in broth with melted cheese.


Cauliflower is a delicious and healthy vegetable that is fortunately available all year round (either fresh or frozen). Vitamins (C, A, group B, PP), trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron), fiber and very few calories – this is cauliflower. And if not everyone will like raw cauliflower, then few will refuse baked cauliflower with melted cheese or cream soup with cauliflower.


And if suddenly, for some reason, you do not like cauliflower, then you certainly will not refuse scrambled eggs with broccoli, baked broccoli with cheddar cheese or delicious creamy soup with yarran broccoli. B
Vitamin C and B vitamins, vitamin PP and vitamin E.

calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus – all these useful substances are found in ordinary red beets. If we talk about dishes that can be cooked with beets, then, of course, Ukrainian borscht comes to mind first. In addition, many unexpected goodies can be prepared with beets, for example, a salad with beets and prunes, baked beets with pears, as well as smoothies with beets on kefir or sour milk sourdough.


There is some disagreement as to whether pumpkin should be classified as a vegetable, fruit, or berry. However, we can say for sure that pumpkin is very good for health. So, pumpkin is rich in fiber, it contains many useful substances (including vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium), and is also well absorbed and removes toxins from the body.

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