best foodsRussian foods

Traditional Russian food

Traditional Russian food is distinguished by its ease of preparation and exquisite taste. The harsh climate and natural features played an important role in the appearance of hot soups, cereals, pickles and other dishes.

From time immemorial, generous and rich tables have been set in Rus’. It’s not for nothing that even fairy tales mention “a feast for the whole world.”

Bright, colorful, rich in variety of dishes, Russian cuisine has long captivated gourmets around the world.

The culture of Russian food was finally formed a little over a century ago, and today anyone can immerse themselves in the world of extraordinary tastes and aromas.


The people of Russia have always had a special passion for dairy products. Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream and other types of dairy products form an integral part of Russian food.

In Rus’, a cow was called a nurse, and milk is still a symbol of health.

Baked milk is also popular in Russian cuisine. Since fresh milk spoils quickly, it was boiled in a clay pot and left in a cooling oven until the morning. Baked milk is stored longer, without losing its taste and beneficial qualities.

Cottage cheese is often found in the filling of Russian dishes. They make cheese from it – a delicious delicacy with the addition of sugar, salt, vanillin, butter, dried fruits and covered with chocolate glaze.

This is also the best “partner” for everyone’s favorite borscht.

A popular Russian food also includes ryazhenka, a traditional fermented milk drink made from baked cow’s milk.

Preparations in Rus’

The variety of Russian food is perfectly complemented by various preparations. People tried to prepare in advance for the harsh winter, looking for ways to stock up on food for future use. This is how various pickles and marinades appeared.

They fermented cabbage and pickled cucumbers in huge tubs. To this day, these are the most popular blanks in Russia.

Many types of berries were dried and then used as filling for pies. Jam was an invariable companion of tea in winter meals. To prepare it, they mainly used honey or molasses; sugar was not the most accessible product.

The preparations were stored in special places: cellars, cellars, barns.

Many centuries ago, preparations for the winter were not only a necessity, they turned into a real holiday. Homemade preparations are still popular today. We can say that porridge is almost the most popular food in Russia.

Today, the variety of porridges is amazing: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, millet, pea. And what can we say about semolina porridge! This porridge has been the queen of morning breakfasts in kindergarten for many generations.

Meat dishes and delicacies in Rues’

How can you pass up delicious and satisfying meat dishes! In Russia, various types of meat are widely used: pork, beef, poultry, lamb.

Perhaps the first to come to mind are roasts and dumplings. Roast – meat stewed with vegetables. Rumor has it that this traditional Russian food even has a noble title. King Charles II honored the dish – he was so delighted with the dish that, taking the sword in his hands, he bestowed the title on the dish.

Dumplings are a dish of dough with meat filling, very satisfying and easy to prepare. Similar food is found among other nations, for example, Uzbek chuchvara.

But now we will focus on the popular Russian fish food.

Ukha is one of the most famous fish dishes of the Russian feast. This is a hot soup with a special aroma and taste.

Also, all kinds of fish salads and snacks are held in special esteem in the assortment of Russian food: herring under a fur coat, Mimosa salad, salted caviar.

Russian mushroom dishes

Going to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms was one of the favorite pastimes of the people living in Rus’. Therefore, various mushroom dishes are considered classics of Russian food.

Fried mushrooms with potatoes are the most popular and easiest to prepare food of the Russian feast.

Often in Rus’ they prepared mushroom soups, added mushroom filling to pies, and dried mushrooms for the winter. Mushrooms are also used as ingredients in salads.

Mushrooms are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and other beneficial properties.

Russian holiday food

Weddings in Rus’ were celebrated on a grand scale and for a long time, the tables were laid generously. There was Russian holiday food that was specially prepared for weddings or other events. Such dishes were called ritual dishes.

The king of the wedding table in Rus’ is traditionally considered to be the loaf – a large round bread with incredible patterns. The loaf is divided into parts to treat all guests of the holiday.

Another symbol of a wedding meal is a stuffed goose.

During Maslenitsa there were always pancakes on the Russian table. On Easter, they baked Easter cakes (buttery Easter bread) and prepared Paskha, a Russian curd dessert.

Another Russian holiday dish is kutia. This is a porridge made from cereals (wheat or rice is often used) with the addition of honey, dried fruits, and nuts. Kutya was prepared for religious holidays, Christmas, and funerals.

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