summer vegetable

The most useful summer vegetables and fruits: what and how to eat for health

The issue with the latter, it would seem, is easier to solve in the hot season: vegetable gardens and summer cottages bear fruit, and those who do not own their own land will find an abundance of fruits, vegetables and herbs on store shelves. But what to choose from the range of fresh summer products? The hosts of the program “About the most important thing” will tell together with the best nutritionists!


Summer is the time for greenery not only on the street, but also on the menu: in soups, salads and even pastries. With sorrel, for example, you can make light cabbage soup, and with spinach, you can make a smoothie or a pie. Summer plants are rich in potassium and magnesium.

which is useful for blood pressure, vascular conditions and the prevention of atherosclerosis. Both sorrel and spinach are important to include in the diet, but the second representative of the green family deserves special attention because of the concentration of useful microelements – Sergey Agapkin and Mikhail Politseymako came to this conclusion together with nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg.

Sweet cherry and cherry

Is it true that dark red summer berries work as a pain reliever? And can cherries and sweet cherries prolong youth? “Yes” is the answer to all questions. The products contain anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Melatonin, magnesium and vitamin B6 contribute to proper rest – so nutritionists recommend drinking cherry or cherry juice an hour before bedtime. Also, the beneficial properties of juicy summer products include anti-aging effects on the body, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the fight against the growth of tumors.

The best way to consume berries is to eat them fresh or freeze them to replenish your vitamin supply in winter. But making tinctures on cherries or cherries is not recommended – and it’s not just about the dangers of alcohol. The seeds of the berries contain cyanides, which can be released under the influence of alcohols.


To talk about the benefits of radishes, you need to get acquainted with the term “glucosinolates”. These are mustard oil compounds that give radishes their specific pungency and pleasant bitterness. They also protect the cells of the body from destruction and damage, which slows down aging and has an antioxidant effect.

Radishes are also called “panicle for the intestines”: the dietary fibers of the root crop help to cope with constipation, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and promote rapid satiety.  If there are no problems with digestion, nutritionists advise eating whole radishes in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients.


We continue the battle for the title of the most useful summer greens. Among the candidates are parsley, dill and cilantro.  It contains 168% of the daily requirement of vitamin C, 105% of vitamin A, which affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and a maximum of beta-carotene. All this is about parsley, also rich in silicon.

But you shouldn’t give up on other greens. For example, dill will help to cope with spasms in the intestines, and cilantro has a wound healing effect. In order not to think about which greens to choose, we recommend using all three types in a salad. Chop the parsley, cilantro and dill, add the sliced cucumber, pour over the ingredients with Greek yogurt and mix. Easy and healthy salad is ready!


Much has been said about the benefits of carrots. The root crop improves kidney function, has a positive effect on the nervous system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered another healing property of carrots. It turned out that the vegetable reduces the risk of stroke due to beta-carotene. And silicon in the root crop stimulates blood microcirculation and maintains capillaries in a healthy state, which ultimately protects against heart attacks and strokes. Namely – with cream, butter or sour cream, so that the body can absorb fat-soluble beta-carotene.


If you eat strawberries more than 5 times a week, the risk of cardiovascular diseases will decrease by 30% – scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the nutrition of more than 10 thousand people. And this is just one advantage of a summer treat. Carotenoids and ascorbic acid in strawberries stimulate the immune system. And the product has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and acts as a means for the prevention of dementia and cancer.

“A magic pill for all diseases,” concluded the experts of the “About the most important” program, having studied the beneficial properties of strawberries. But there is no need to overeat berries, its daily norm is about 100 grams. You can use strawberries solo, with other gifts of summer, or you can find an original recipe. For example, add oatmeal, milk and make dessert soup.


To manage high blood pressure, doctors recommend giving up bad habits, making time for physical activity, eating less saturated fat, and eating more fruits and vegetables. One of the products useful for blood vessels and the heart is plum. It reduces blood viscosity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a diuretic effect, helping to get rid of excess fluid, which ultimately also reduces pressure.

Another plus of the summer product is its low calorie content, so plums can be included in the diet for those who are watching their weight. A suitable option is to dry plums or make marshmallows out of them. But plum jam is far from the most healthy dessert, since it needs a lot of sugar to make it.

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