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10 dishes you must try in India

Going on an exciting journey through India, you can not only see the amazing sights of this country, get acquainted with unusual traditions, but also taste real Indian delicacies. What exactly should definitely be tasted, we will tell in this article.

Also pay attention to our tips: they can save not only your vacation, but also your life.

It is a vegetable stew with the addition of curry seasoning, most loved by Indians. Sabji is served with rice and flatbread.

Tip 1: In the first days of your stay in the country, do not order exotic Indian dishes.  Order a European lunch, but be sure to say: no spices (No spice – know spice). After all, even the common masala tea (tea with milk, seasoned with spices) tastes spicy – a little black pepper is added there.

It includes coconut milk, lemon juice, tomatoes, fried onions, garlic and, of course, curry. Dhal is served with warm flatbread.

Gourmet reviews: “My Indian friend cooks Dhal almost every day. She says that this dish helps to restore normal weight. It should be eaten before meditation. After all, it helps to relax the body,” says tourist Natalia on the website

Indian pickles are vegetables or fruits marinated in oil (mustard or sesame).  As a rule, mango, carrot, onion, cauliflower, garlic, lime are used to make pickles.

Gourmet reviews: “Somehow I managed to try Indian pickles – pickles. Indian pickles are very different from European pickles in that they are salted in oil, instead of using vinegar. The most common are (including industrially produced) pickles from mango.

lime, chili, garlic, assorted. Assorted, as a rule, contain mangoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower or kohlrabi. Each type of pickled vegetables and fruits often has its own name, “- tourist Yuliya writes on the Ayurveda market website. run.

Tip 2: On the streets of big and small cities in India, you can always meet vendors with stalls full of all sorts of fried gizmos for a couple of rupees (samosas, pakoras and others). Please only use them as a last resort (especially if you are new to India) as the oil they use for frying is generally poor quality, heavy and rarely changed. Therefore, regular eating outside can damage your pancreas and liver.

If you have been to India and have not tried tandoori chicken, then consider that you have not been to this country.

For the dish, poultry, whole or in parts, is marinated in yoghurt with spices (cayenne pepper, hot chili, or other hot mixtures), and then baked over high heat in a tandoori oven.

Tip 3: Be careful what you drink while traveling in India. Don’t drink tap water. Tap water is usually only used for bathing or washing.  Buy only bottled water. In establishments, ask all drinks to be served without ice.

They cook very quickly, do not require a lot of products and are useful, since they use flour, which for the most part contains bran. A special flour for chapatis is called atta. In addition, chapatis are baked in a completely dry pan, without oil.

Gourmet reviews: “Few tourists know that chapati cakes should be eaten warm. And in India, restaurants are capitalizing on this, serving old, yesterday’s chapatis,” tourist Alexander says on

Gourmet reviews: “Do you know, this delicacy is not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy – carrots and nuts nourish the skin and stimulate cell activity, supply vitamins and minerals, raisins – the richest source of glucose – tonic effect on the heart, normalizes the removal of toxins and improves the chemical composition of the blood.

Cardamom helps digestion, has a positive effect on the respiratory and circulatory systems, promotes activity and clarity of mind.In addition, the sweet taste of halvah has a nourishing and invigorating effect, stimulates the growth of all body tissues, has a good effect on the voice and increases energy levels. This is the lecture my Indian mother-in-law gave me,” says tourist Ekaterina on the website

For example, potatoes were brought to India by the Portuguese along with chili peppers and bread. Indian cuisine has had a major impact on the cuisines of Europe. Spices from India were sold to all European and Asian countries.

Indian cuisine reflects a long history of interaction with different peoples, which has led to the variety of tastes that are found in modern India. Today, the staple foods are lentils, rice, and whole wheat flour.

Particular attention in Indian cuisine is paid to vegetarian dishes: sabji – vegetable stew with a lot of spices or rice with fresh flatbread.

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