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The healthiest foods in the world

A person needs a wide variety of trace elements in order for his body to function normally. You can easily find natural vitamins on store shelves. These include: avocado, broccoli, garlic, chia seeds, spinach, quinoa, salmon, pomegranate, carrot, and lemon. They consist of unique trace elements and are able to qualitatively affect human health.


What are the benefits of avocado? The pulp of this berry contains almost all the vitamins necessary for the body: A, B, C, E, K and PP. From this product, a person receives iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and manganese. It also contains folic acid, which is very important for the body. Avocado oil is richer in vitamin D than butter.

Avocado is a great weight loss supplement. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats. For beautiful skin without wrinkles, avocado masks are recommended. The leaves, pit, and peel contain the toxin person, which causes allergic reactions


What is the benefit of broccoli? The vegetable boasts a vitamin composition: it contains A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and K. A person who eats broccoli will enrich the body with magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, cobalt, copper and chromium. At the same time, broccoli has a low calorie content, it is included in the menu as a dietary product.

Folic acid and vitamins contribute to the normal development of a small organism. Biologist Subtend Mukherjee calls broccoli a unique food that protects the heart. The composition of the vegetable increases metabolism, but it should not be consumed by people with high acidity and problems of the gastrointestinal tract

Chia seeds

What are the benefits of chia seeds? They are high in protein and fiber, which helps you feel full quickly without consuming extra calories. In addition, the seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, they are rich in zinc, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.  It should be borne in mind that you can not eat more than a couple of tablespoons of seeds per day. Exceeding the daily dose or improper preparation will lead to intestinal irritation and diarrhea


How useful are carrots? It is rich in vitamins B, PP, C, K, E. Carotene is the most important substance for a person that is in the root. This is a very cheap product among the healthiest vegetables

How useful are carrots? It is rich in vitamins B, PP, C, K, E. Carotene is the most important substance for a person that is in the root. This is a very cheap product among the healthiest vegetables


What is spinach good for? This is a wonderful product for strengthening the immune system. Just 100 g of the product contains about half of the daily dose of vitamin C. A large amount of vitamin A, which is found in greens, will relieve toxins. In addition, spinach helps reduce inflammation in the human body.

Spinach fills you up quickly, so you don’t overeat. Magnesium, which is in it, allows you to properly control neuromuscular signals. Including spinach in your diet will help reduce the risk of cancer.

Handle spinach with care as it is high in oxalic acid. Eat it in small portions, and for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to refuse this product


What are the benefits of quinoa? It is a cereal rich in magnesium, protein and fiber. It is gaining more and more popularity, you can easily buy it in the supermarket. The cereal does not contain gluten. The main benefit of quinoa is that by eating it, you can get nine essential amino acids at once

Quinoa helps to strengthen the immune system, regulates blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure, and calms the nerves. Brittany L. Graf and a team of scientists have proven that quinoa has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.


What is salmon good for? Red fish is a healthy food in moderation. Salmon meat contains a large amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are important for kidney function, lowering cholesterol levels. Also, eating salmon reduces the harm from polluted air, which is especially important for residents of industrial areas

Salmon is a very high-calorie product. You should not consume more than 100-150 g per day, otherwise its healthy fats will be harmful. In addition, salmon meat contains a small amount of mercury, so you should not eat this fish during pregnancy.

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