tasty meet dishes

the most delicious meat dishes

Meat was, is and will be one of the most important products in world gastronomy. Despite the increased popularity of vegetarianism, veganism, and raw foodism as a style of nutrition and even a way of life, “meat items” on the menu of most restaurants remain the most in demand and popular.

Together with the recommendation service for entertainment and travel in Russian cities, Localway.ru, we have compiled a detailed guide – comments and recommendations from chefs of famous and fashionable metropolitan establishments, addressed to all connoisseurs of excellently prepared meat dishes.

I opened this project in order to show everyone that game, firstly, is an inexpensive product, secondly, easy to prepare, and thirdly, very tasty and healthy. Now the menu includes venison, elk, and in the spring there was wild duck (when it was hunting season for this game).

Venison is a real hit! We don’t marinate the meat in any way, we just fry it on both sides in a hot frying pan and serve it with beetroot cream and stewed vegetables with berry sauce. There is also a venison burger – a fragrant freshly baked bun with smoked cheese on top, and inside – a venison cutlet, sweet tomatoes and crispy greens. We will soon introduce wild boar dishes.

Ossobuco is a legendary dish of the Meat Club restaurant, which we also left on the Voronezh menu. Literally translated it means “bone” (osso) “with a hole” (buco), or in a more literary translation it means “hollow bone.” To achieve the perfect taste, I simmer it in the oven at 180 degrees for about 1.5 hours, and then add finely grated orange zest, finely chopped garlic and chili pepper.

You know, our restaurants are places where it’s good to go with a group. The portions at Torro Grill are large, you can share, try, choose what you like. And for companies, we have, in my opinion, the best meat offer in the city. This story is called the “Big Grill” assortment. The dish is designed for four very hungry people or six moderately hungry people.

A gigantic plate of baked beef ribs, pork cheeks in a signature marinade, grilled chicken breast, sausages, BBQ pork ribs and, the most delicious thing, baked brain bones are served on the table. All this splendor is accompanied by side dishes, as well as a bottle of wine or two liters of beer. In the first case, the cost is 4,500 rubles, in the second, 3,980. So, in addition to the fact that you can try all the best at once, the price is affordable for every meat lover.

I am the chef of a Greek restaurant – a somewhat new concept for Moscow. There are false stereotypes that Greek cuisine is mainly seafood. Actually this is not true. Greek cuisine is rich and varied. Well, meat dishes are always available on a real Greek table. We cook the meat, seasoning it with herbs, lots of spices and always adding olive oil.

The menu of the Moscow Molon Lave includes a dish called kokinisto – beef stewed with herbs and rosemary. The meat is cooked at low temperature and stewed for several hours – this makes it very tender and juicy. We also prepare a kebab from beef – gemisto – inside with cream cheese, served with vegetables.

Pork occupies a special place in our cuisine. Pork dishes are traditional for the holiday table. I recommend trying a dish called hirino – pork baked with Greek herbs and olive oil for 12 hours. We also have baked lamb on our menu, served with baked pumpkin and pieces of feta cheese.

In our new meat menu, we decided to focus on steaks. There are several types: striploin, T-bone and Dallas steak.
The striploin steak itself is very soft and has a small layer of fat. It does not need to be marinated; it already has a rich taste and a sufficient degree of juiciness. Therefore, it is better to salt and pepper during frying, otherwise the meat will release moisture and turn out dry.

Also, when cooking a steak with a layer of fat, you should not add oil – you just need to lightly grease the piece of meat itself. And it is important to make diamond-shaped cuts on the side of the fat layer to melt out excess fat. For striploin, I recommend medium roasting. The temperature of the meat inside should be 55–60 degrees. After roasting, you can finish it in the oven. Before eating, you should let it sit for a few minutes so that the juice is distributed evenly throughout the steak.

T-bone is a T-bone steak. On one side it has a striploin (thin edge), on the other side there is a tenderloin. Therefore, this steak is very whimsical to prepare. It is better to fry it on a grill pan so that the bone is also well cooked. Subsequently, it will give its aroma and taste to the meat. I recommend this steak cooked medium rare, the temperature of the meat should reach 50–55 degrees.
Dallas steak is similar in preparation to T-bone – it is also a steak on the bone.

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