best fruitshealthy fruits

Indian fruits by month: when what ripens


India is famous for juicy mangoes, fleshy avocados, sweet pineapples and other exotic fruits. Fresh fruits are sold in the markets all year round. Goa grows less fruit than other parts of India. However, in the markets of the resort they sell everything that ripens in the country and is exported from neighbors.

We will tell you what fruits you can try in India in winter, spring, summer and autumn. We have described in detail the most interesting fruits (name, photo, appearance, taste, approximate prices). And also compiled a table of seasonality by months.


In Goa, you can buy about a dozen varieties of avocados. There are very fatty with a bright nutty aftertaste, soft creamy, medium fat with a slight viscosity … Try everything if you love this fruit. In India, you can even find a giant avocado the size of a children’s rubber ball. If you decide to bring fruit from Goa home, buy the hardest possible fruit – it spoils very quickly. The avocado season in India begins in mid-autumn, the approximate price is about 200 rupees per kg.


In India, two varieties of pineapples are sold. One is local. It has a brown-orange peel, and the fruit itself resembles an elongated ball. The pulp is juicy, with bright sourness, but sweet. The second grade is brought to India from Thailand and Indonesia. Its fruits are taller.

thinner and longer. They look like huge yellow-brown cones. Such pineapples are sugary, so they do not burn the throat and tongue at all. Try both options: they are not at all like those pineapples that are sold in Russia. The standard price is 50-60 rupees per kg.


In India, watermelons are sold all year round. But we do not recommend looking for them specifically. In Russian stores in September they sell more sugar fruits.

Indian watermelons are fragrant, but watery, without a strong taste. If you are flying to Goa on a tour that includes breakfast, then you will usually be offered them daily. In the markets you can buy mini-watermelons. They are a little sweeter. Although sometimes come across pale pink, tasteless.


Now we are talking about a familiar fruit, and not about momordica, which is called the “Indian pomegranate”. Try pomegranates in India: juicy, refreshing, sweet.

not at all sour. Fruits grow on plantations in Goa. Local fruits are smaller than Azerbaijani and Turkish ones, which are sold in Russia. They have smooth skin and small seeds. The price of Indian fruit in the markets of Goa is about 100 rupees per kg.


Several varieties of guava grow in India, the most juicy one is in Goa. Buy fruits with a bright green skin. Outwardly, they can be confused with avocados. Guava tastes like a pear and an apple at the same time. The edible peel hides bright pink flesh with small seeds. The aroma of the fruit is not bright and not at all tropical. Yellow guava is tougher, white inside, slightly astringent in taste. In hotels in Goa, this fruit is often given to tourists for breakfast.


Or breadfruit. It grows the size of a large watermelon. You can easily recognize it by its green or slightly brown pimply skin. Inside are soft yellow “grains” the size of half a pear. They taste like sugary peach yogurt, the sourness is barely perceptible. The fruit is nutritious and high in calories. We advise you to buy chopped jackfruit in India and eat it with plastic gloves or a fork. So you will not get dirty with latex, which is not washed off your hands even with soap.

It looks like a large melon with prickly brown-yellow thorns. Durian pulp resembles a cream cake: fatty, juicy, pleasant pale yellow color. They say that if your body is free of toxins, the aroma of durian will seem sweet to you, and the taste will be like popsicles or a tropical dessert.

And if they are, you will not be able to enjoy them. Only 1 out of 100 tourists can boast of a love for durian. An exotic fruit can be tasted in India from March to May. You can’t bring it home. Because of the pungent smell, durians are not allowed on airplanes.


At the end of December, in January and February in India, you can try fresh figs. The cheapest fruit is sold in Delhi, although it grows in Goa. Local fruits are pink-brown inside with small edible seeds, and lilac-green outside. Georgian and Turkish figs are sweeter, but Indian ones are still good. The price of fruit in Goa at the height of the season is about 120 rupees per kg.


A photogenic and healthy fruit without a bright taste. It is watery, crispy, sweet and sour. A whole carambola is similar to a bell pepper with spicy ribs. And in the context, it turns into an asterisk. Carambola is rich in vitamin C, improves immunity, fights inflammation in the body.  If you have gone overboard with alcohol, lean on this fruit – you will quickly get back on your feet.


In the heat, coke water is more refreshing than cold cocktails or soda. It is also famous for its healing properties and helps prevent dehydration. Coconuts in India are sold by the piece. Large greens have a lot of liquid, while small and brown ones have more edible pulp. Coconuts in Goa are sold all year round. It will not work to bring home – it is forbidden to bring fruits to airports. But in India, you can buy high-quality coke oil or milk in factory packaging.

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