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the healthiest cuisines in the world

West African cuisine

West African countries including Nigeria, Mali and Guinea are popular among tourists for their unusual but wholesome cuisine. In cooking, the inhabitants of these regions use lean meat, palm flour, plantains, okra, chard, peppers, beans and cabbage.

Plantains are rich in fiber and vitamin A. One of the favorite dishes of Africans is Gumbo – it can be called a spicy Creole soup or even a stew. This is a very tasty and nutritious dish that harmoniously combines the richness of Indian, Spanish and African cuisine. The traditional gumbo recipe is quite high in calories.

Spanish cuisine

Spanish cuisine is famous for being full of dried fruits and nuts, which are sources of fiber. Also, the Spaniards love to drink wine during their lunches and dinners, but only very good and mostly dry. Spain is popular for its small tape, and of course olives and sardines. Also in Spain there is a very good tradition – a lunchtime nap, which has a positive effect on digestion and metabolism.

Thai cuisine

Those who have been to Thailand know firsthand that the cuisine of this country is very peculiar, but in many ways useful.  Most often, Thai dishes are very lean, because few people can afford to buy meat all the time. Vegetable food is a priority, and in order to make its taste rich, all food is seasoned with a large amount of fragrant spices, which are hard for a European to get used to from the first time. However, such food speeds up the metabolism.

Vietnamese cuisine

Among the most useful cuisines in the world, one cannot fail to pay tribute to the Vietnamese. It is rich in low-fat dishes and at the same time includes many vitamin-rich vegetables. Pho soup with fragrant vegetables and light broth can be ordered with your choice of beef.

chicken or pork. After lunch or dinner, fruit is used as dessert rather than pastries. A large number of useful and very unusual fruits grow in Vietnam. The most popular of which is Paradise Fruit, or, as it is also called, Durian. If you watched “The World Inside Out” with Dmitry Kemerovo, then you remembered how the TV presenter described the unearthly taste of this fruit and at the same time the infernal smell.

Scandinavian cuisine

That’s where they almost do not suffer from obesity, so it is in Scandinavia.  Dishes are prepared here from poultry and fish. The Danes just love salmon, cabbage, root vegetables, carrots and beets, whole grain rye bread and Brussels sprouts. As a dessert, you will be served berries, such as lingonberries and cloudberries, and not pies and custards. Also in most Scandinavian dishes are a large number of spices and herbs, such as chives, thyme, cardamom and parsley.

Ethiopian cuisine

Basically, Ethiopian cuisine consists of cereals, hot peppers, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, lamb, eggs and many other healthy ingredients. It is also important that Ethiopians do not eat pork at all. The most popular Ethiopian dish is injera, a special type of bread high in protein and fiber. Edamame lentil soup is also popular, which is recommended for dietary purposes for people with intestinal problems, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Korean cuisine

Korean cuisine is rich in a huge amount of healthy vegetables.  It is made from cabbage, radish and ginger, which is very beneficial for improving the health of the digestive tract. Almost no Korean dish is complete without red peppers, green onions, legumes, garlic, ginger, sesame, and vinegar.  As a snack, Koreans choose raw vegetables, and not buns, chocolate bars and cookies, as we do.

Indian kitchen

One of the healthiest cuisines is Indian. It is literally teeming with cereals and fiber, saturated with healthy fats from legumes, healing spices and herbs. One of the most popular and healthy dishes is bean logia in tomato sauce with lots of herbs and spices.  Agree, it even sounds appetizing.

Southern Mediterranean cuisine

Most Mediterranean cuisine is prepared exclusively with olive oil. Replace sunflower oil with olive oil for at least a month, and you will feel like a new person from the inside. Firstly, you will lose weight, secondly, your skin will shine and your hair will become silky, thirdly, you will forget about digestive problems, and this can be continued indefinitely.

Japanese kitchen

There is no doubt that the healthiest cuisine in the world is Japanese. The Japanese are accustomed to slow food consumption in small portions and colorful vegetables. The cuisine of this country includes many green vegetables, including cabbage.

Negi (green onion) and nasal (eggplant). The Japanese are sincere fans of healthy food, so they choose seasonal products. So, in the spring, more bitter vegetables and many spices are used. The Japanese also love light seasonings: wasabi, pickled ginger, soy sauce, miso soup and tsukemono (pickles). Most Japanese drink green or white tea with meals.

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