healthy furitssummer vegetable

5 healthiest fruits and berries

Once scientists from the National Institute in Hyderabad in India found out that the most useful fruit in the world is guava. It turned out to be the leader in the content of vitamin C (five times more than in an orange) and antioxidants, and regular consumption of guava, as experts have found, helps to strengthen immunity, better regenerate body cells, slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of developing many diseases. Guava in Russia is far from being found on every corner, so we decided to find out from nutritionists which of the fruits available to us are the most useful.

A pineapple

In pineapple you will find water (up to 86%), sugar (about a tenth) and very little protein. As well as ascorbic acid, dietary fiber, vitamins, potassium, manganese and magnesium. But most of all, in terms of nutrition, this fruit is valued due to an enzyme called bromelain.

“Bromelain improves digestion, helps in the breakdown of fats and proteins,” explains nutritionist Irina Toropygina. – Not to say that one pineapple will break down all fats, but it really reduces the formation of adipose tissue and reduces the amount of fat. However, pineapple contains a lot of organic acids, which can irritate the oral cavity, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract.

But everything should be in moderation. If you saw somewhere a tropical diet where you need to eat only pineapple for a week, drinking pineapple juice, you should think about it and consult a doctor. First of all, fears should arise in owners of stomach and duodenal ulcers, in people with high acidity of gastric juice, poor blood clotting and bleeding tendencies, since, among other things, pineapple has thinning properties.


Grapefruit is a sure source of vitamin C and potassium. It used to be thought that it helps to lose weight, but this is not entirely true – grapefruit only indirectly affects this parameter due to its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. But grapefruit protects against urolithiasis, cardiovascular disease and stroke in women.

By the way, one of the most useful parts of grapefruit is those very bitter films that not everyone likes. They contain the bioflavonoid naringin, which normalizes fat metabolism. But that’s not all. Naringin improves metabolism, normalizes the composition of the intestinal flora, relieves negative consequences after drinking alcohol, acts as an antioxidant, helps prevent atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system.

Along with this, grapefruit helps to normalize insulin levels due to pectin’s, brings enormous benefits to the immune system due to large doses of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium.


Bananas are also considered to be a source of carbohydrates, and therefore the cause of excess weight. But looking at them only from this side is a big mistake. Among the beneficial components found in bananas, you can find vitamin B6, manganese and potassium.

“Vitamin B6, which 100 grams of banana contains about a fifth of the daily requirement, supports the immune response and contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells,” says nutritionist Tamara Kramcheninova. Manganese is responsible for the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates.  It is clear that four bananas is already too much, but if you eat one banana a day, then it will not bring harm.

In addition, bananas are high in slow carbohydrates and pectin, which maintain normal blood sugar levels. Pectin also feeds on beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which protect us from ulcers and other diseases of the digestive tract.


Pomegranates are rich in vitamins B6, K and C. The first supports the immune system, the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the state of the blood, and its deficiency leads to reduced appetite, deterioration of the skin and anemia. The second regulates blood clotting. Pomegranate seeds are recommended as a tonic after illness, with exhaustion of the body and anemia, with coughs and colds.

“They also contain a high amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system well,” says Tamara Kramcheninova. – They are useful for people with anemia when there is a lack of iron (in parallel, there is a deficiency of vitamin C). Pomegranates will help absorb iron in food. They are useful for women, especially when the body is deficient in vitamins. In this regard, pomegranates are safe, as they are not too sweet and it is quite difficult to overeat them.

– Pomegranate helps with respiratory infections, coughs and sore throats. It contains a dozen and a half amino acids necessary for the full functioning of the body, while about half of these amino acids, except for pomegranate, can only be found in meat, adds Irina Toropygina. – And thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that pomegranates contain in large enough quantities, these fruits can slow down the growth of cancer cells.

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