Weeknight Dinner

Ginger Chicken Soup with Miso and Turmeric Souper nutritious. Super delicious….

Ginger Chicken Soup with Miso and Turmeric ?

Souper nutritious. Super delicious. This soup is my go-to for a big vitamin boost, and I always feel quietly smug after boiling up my chicken bones to make the stock. Packed full of simple veggies and a helping of miso, ginger, turmeric and a little garlic for even more goodness – it’s light, fragrant and easily adaptable. I’ve popped some steps in my stories/highlights if you fancy giving it a go ?

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  1. I love making my own stock. It’s so simple. If only I had an extra freezer to store more of it. Don’t think I’d buy stock ever again

  2. TURMERIC is wonderful ?and so healthy! We wish more people knew about the benefits that turmeric has. We even took it a step further and used a synergistic combination of turmeric & #hemp in our Canacurmin. It’s CRAZY powerful ?

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