best fruitsFRUITS OF SPAIN


Spain is one of the largest countries in Western Europe, containing a lot of beauty: comfortable resorts, incredible architectural monuments, sculptures, palaces and castles. This country is filled with sun, fun and bright colors.

People come here for the warm sea and unforgettable impressions. If you look at the calendar of Spanish holidays, then almost every week in a particular town some bright event is celebrated, because various celebrations are very fond of here.

The reason is that most of the territory is occupied by mountains, and all precipitation occurs in winter and early spring.

Nevertheless, this specific factor did not prevent Spain from taking one of the first places in the world in the cultivation of citrus fruits, grapes, olives, as well as some subtropical fruits and vegetables. The best time to relax in Spanish seaside resorts is May – October. But for tourist excursions.

it is better to choose the autumn months or spring, when there is no exhausting heat. In winter people come here to ski resorts. At the same time, all year round, travelers can please themselves and their loved ones with juicy gifts of nature, which ripen in abundance under the hot Spanish sun.

The Kid Passage will help you figure out what fruits and vegetables are grown in Spain and what you should definitely try during your vacation. The best resorts in Spain for families with children What fruits grow in Spain Throughout the year, various fruits are grown here. For example, at the beginning of the year, oranges and tangerines are harvested, which are then taken for export.

Each of us for the New Year holidays probably had to try the wonderful Spanish clementines, they are also harvested in December – January. At this time, the first harvest of strawberries also appears, lemons, grapefruits, apples, persimmons ripen.

A long time ago it was brought here by the Arabs. He really liked the indigenous people, so much so that to this day they consider him the fruit of happiness and love. Peak ripening of oranges occurs in February. At this time, in Spain, they continue to collect all the same fruits as a month earlier.

The beginning of spring is the last opportunity to appreciate the taste of winter citrus fruits: clementines and tangerines. A new crop of these fruits will appear only in late autumn. Meanwhile, more and more strawberries and wild strawberries are being sold in the markets. In April, the season of oranges comes to an end, but the first harvest of sweet cherries begins.

Strawberries, wild strawberries, apples continue to ripen. Medlar appears on sale. And in May, the same fruit crops are sold on the markets as in April, but apricots and nectarines are added to the assortment. Andalusia and Valencia are famous for the early varieties of these stone fruits. With the advent of summer, fruit diversity increases.

What fruits ripen in Spain in June? Lemons, strawberries, medlar, cherries, as well as nectarines, apples, apricots, and the first raspberries continue to ripen. The first peaches, pears, figs appear. They begin to harvest gourds: watermelons and melons. July is the driest and hottest month, giving fruits a rich taste.

At this time, the juiciest peaches and nectarines ripen. The main fruits in Spain in July are the same as they were a month earlier. The cherry season is coming to an end, and strawberries and wild strawberries are no longer available, so those who did not have time to try them will have to wait until next year. In August, grapes are added to the July assortment. But it is not yet as tasty and fragrant as in autumn.

In September, the harvest of watermelons and melons ends, but the first persimmon appears. The shelves are full of grapes, figs, apples, nectarines, peaches. At this time, quince is also harvested in Spain.

Holidays from Spain in September: where to sunbathe with a child In the middle of autumn, clementines and grapefruits ripen again. October is cherimoya season. This is an unusual exotic fruit with a creamy cocktail flavor. The end of autumn brings a new crop of oranges and other citrus fruits. But the peak of the new crop season will be at the beginning of winter.

Going to travel, many are interested in what exotic fruits growing in Spain are worth trying? Let’s describe some of the most common and popular ones. As mentioned above, cherimoya is grown here. It is better to buy it in winter, when it finally ripens. It should be uniform in color, without dark spots and cracks. Indian fig (fig prickly pear) is another representative of the Spanish flora.

This is a type of cactus with very sweet fruits. Only well-soaked fruits are suitable for eating, from the surface of which all needles have been removed. Lokva (Japanese loquat) is another exotic fruit that ripens in May. Its taste can be both sour and sweet, this fruit contains a lot of vitamins C, B and A. Lokva is eaten raw, compotes and jams are also cooked from it, and used in the manufacture of desserts and sweets. When buying medlars, choose whole and.

most importantly, ripe fruits, as an unripe loquat can cause a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. Kivano (horned melon) is an exotic fruit that tastes like cucumber and banana at the same time and is sold in Spain throughout the year.  Horned melon is eaten raw, either alone or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Vegetables in Spain Vegetables in Spain are quite familiar and familiar to us. Let’s start our story with tomatoes, to which the whole holiday is dedicated here.  The simplest greenhouse varieties of tomatoes resemble real tomatoes only in their appearance and are not very expensive.

But the more expensive varieties, which can be found more often in the markets than in supermarkets, have a richer taste. At the same time, their price can reach 4-5 euros per kilogram. These are varieties such as cherry, raff and kumato. Of the unusual vegetables, the artichoke can be noted.

Alicante Cucumber – This long, almost meter long vegetable tastes like a cucumber and is also used to make salads. But it’s actually a type of melon. In addition, eggplants, cucumbers, herbs, zucchini and other well-known vegetables are grown here.

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