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Top 8 Best Breakfast Foods: What to Eat in the Morning

To replenish the reserves depleted overnight, you need nutritious and healthy foods. From them, the body receives the right amount of calories and nutrients for saturation.

A proper breakfast gives energy and strength, reduces morning hunger, and starts metabolic processes. A meal full of protein and fat with carbohydrates will also reduce the risk of overeating during the day. Here are 10 of the most healthy morning foods that you should eat for breakfast for proper nutrition.

The main rule of a healthy breakfast is the balance of nutrients. There should be light protein in the morning diet. Slow carbohydrates with the right fats will give energy and strength. We should not forget about fiber, minerals and vitamins to support the body in a healthy state.

1. Long boiled oatmeal

Why it’s good for breakfast: A source of fiber and slow carbohydrates. At the same time, an energy charge is provided for the whole day, all substances of the composition are fully absorbed. Digestion of porridge goes without heaviness in the stomach.

What is the use of the product: Regulation of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, the establishment of digestion processes, support for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. It has a positive effect on immunity, bones, hormones, heart, blood vessels.

What can be combined with: Fruits, berries, dried fruits, nuts, honey. Porridge is cooked in water or milk (milk increases the glycemic index). You can add spices (cinnamon, nutmeg).

2. Buckwheat

Why it is good for breakfast: Formation of long-term satiety, adding energy, satisfying hunger. Buckwheat contains a lot of proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, it is one of the best breakfast foods for weight loss and proper nutrition.

What is the use of the product: Regulation of blood sugar levels, strengthening the heart with blood vessels, removing toxic substances and stimulating metabolism. Useful makes cereal also influence the work of the digestive tract, muscle mass, immunity.

What can be combined with: Kefir, milk, butter. You can add fish, eggs, chicken meat to cover the protein. Suitable vegetables, mushrooms, herbs.

3. Whole grain bread

Why it’s good for breakfast: An excellent replacement for white flour products. The composition is rich in dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates. They saturate for a long time, and also cleanse the intestines of toxins, restore the microflora. Proteins, vitamins B and E, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium supplement the set of substances.

What is the use of the product: Lowering sugar with cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the vascular walls, inhibiting inflammatory processes, accelerating metabolic functions. Bread is good for vision, immunity, central nervous system, digestion.

Pair with: Butter, cheese, avocado, vegetables and herbs, nut butters. You can eat for breakfast with fish or chicken in the form of sandwiches.

4. Chicken eggs

Why it’s good for breakfast: Supply of complete proteins, healthy fats with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are highly nutritious and quickly relieve hunger. The complex of fatty acids affects the metabolism, improves the activity of the central nervous system. The most popular product for breakfast.

What is the use of the product: Normalization of triglycerides, nutrition of muscle tissue protein, support of liver functions and help with weight loss. The benefits of eggs are also noted for vision, skin, heart with blood vessels.

What you can combine with: Vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, avocados, seeds and vegetable oils, sour cream. It can be in the form of an omelets, scrambled eggs or poached eggs.

5. Avocado

Why it’s good for breakfast: A combination of fiber and healthy fats. Avocados will saturate for a long time, protect against overeating at lunch or dinner. The product is especially actively advised for breakfast when losing weight, as it contains few carbohydrates and healthy unsaturated fats. At the same time, the composition is also rich in vitamins C, K, E, B5 and B6, potassium, zinc.

What is the use of the product: Improving the health of the heart muscle, maintaining bone density, strengthening the immune system, improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. You need an avocado for vision, skin and hair, the nervous system, and hormonal levels.

Pair with: Grain bread, cream cheese, greens with vegetables, couscous, bulgur or rice. Perfect for shrimp, red fish, eggs.

6. Natural yogurt

Why it is useful for breakfast: Starting metabolic processes, normalizing the absorption of nutrients from food, saturating the body with protein. In the morning, the product improves mood, stabilizes the nervous system. Save yogurt from the desire to snack during the day, enrich with vitamin D, calcium and potassium.

What can be combined with: Berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, honey, spices. In the morning for breakfast, you can eat yogurt in the form of fritters, pancakes, chia pudding.

7. Peanut butter

Why it is useful for breakfast: High nutritional value, a lot of proteins and healthy fat groups, long-term saturation, satisfaction of morning hunger.

What is the use of the product: Alignment of the lipid profile, lowering blood sugar, support for the functions of the liver with the gallbladder, strengthening bones. Peanut butter is good for the heart, blood vessels, immunity, central nervous system, hormone levels.

What can be combined with: Cereals, fruits, berries, dried fruits, bread. Prepared from smoothie paste, salad dressings, PP-sweets or cookies, casseroles.

8. Bananas

Why it’s good for breakfast: Uplifting in the morning and energizing later, providing fiber with carbohydrates. The fruit will improve the absorption of other foods and create a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Bananas can be eaten in the morning only in conjunction with a full meal, and not separately.

What is the use of the product: Improvement of the heart muscle, support for the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, regulation of blood glucose, normalization of brain activity. It is useful to use fruit for the kidneys, muscles, blood vessels, skin and hair.

What can be combined with: Dried fruits, berries, fruits, honey, chocolate, nuts. For bananas, cereals, cream, sour cream or yogurt, chocolate, coffee are suitable.

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